25 thoughts on “About

  1. nelsonpage April 1, 2012 / 7:30 pm

    Your blog does not read as a straw “dog” 😉
    Thanks for being a good and faithful disciple…


    • whitefrozen April 1, 2012 / 7:51 pm

      Thanks for the kind words – I’m trying my best 🙂


  2. godsaveourteam May 22, 2012 / 6:32 am

    As a regular reader, I would echo what nelsonpage says above, and add that in a world of sub-straw, even straw is strong.

    In line with that, this quote might tickle you:

    ‘If by grace what I say has in any respect any validity,
    it is, of course, only one facet of a truth incalculably rich.’

    JRR TOLKIEN, ‘On Fairy Stories’, 1939.


  3. whitefrozen May 22, 2012 / 6:26 pm

    I would wholeheartedly agree with Tolkien there – and I appreciate the encouragement 🙂


  4. treegestalt June 9, 2012 / 7:07 pm

    And what sayest thou of William Stringfellow? Jacques Ellul?

    Wright? — but not Crossan? Calvin, Wesley, & that silly Lewis person… but not George Fox?

    Should I try to bother thee about a old Quaker Bible study blog in need of new personnel?

    “Bizarre travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God.” [Bokonon]

    (Peace & Good Stuff anyway, even if you don’t want to come over & play.)


    • whitefrozen June 14, 2012 / 3:31 pm

      Apologies for the delay in reply. I’m not a big fan of Crossan, myself. The other names are not familiar to me.


  5. treegestalt June 14, 2012 / 4:26 pm

    William Stringfellow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stringfellow

    Jacques Ellul was a French Protestant theological writer, best known here for his writings on the tyrannical dominance of ‘technological’ thinking on the modern mind-set, but also for his book on the Book of Revelation, and some nice commentary on some stories from Kings, etc.

    NT Wright is an Episcopalian bishop, studied 1st Century Jewish/early-Christian history under Crossan, whom he continues to respect despite a much more traditional (& more cogent, to my mind) take on what Jesus was doing in the midst of that history…

    George Fox: active in the 17th Century English Puritan movement, the most prominent of the founders of the Society of Friends aka ‘Quakers’. Jailbird.

    Bokonon: calypso-writing fictional holy man in Kurt Vonnegut’s _Cat’s Cradle_.


    • whitefrozen June 14, 2012 / 4:35 pm

      Ah, Fox I did know of then. Ellul sounds interesting – thanks for the explanation.


      • MisterDavid June 14, 2012 / 6:01 pm

        Ellul is EXCELLENT – can’t recommend highly enough (along with Albert Borgmann; both deal with issues of technological advance and ‘technique’).

        Liked by 1 person

  6. caveat1ector March 29, 2013 / 8:35 am

    I like N. T. Wright a lot too; I think you’d also like his friend James D. G. Dunn, whom I find just as brilliant, if not more!


    • whitefrozen March 30, 2013 / 10:26 pm

      Dunn is quite brilliant – one heck of a scholar. I need to read more of him.


  7. waltsamp November 23, 2013 / 12:21 pm

    I have been doing some posts around the theme of the reformation of contemporary American Christianity. Assuming you think we need reforming, do you have any thoughts on the subject?


    • whitefrozen November 23, 2013 / 4:26 pm

      I’m a big believer in the paleo-orthodox movement, which basically a back-to-the-roots movement – it sees the first 5-6 centuries of Christianity (various councils and dogmas) as normative for the Christian faith at large (N.T. Wright, T.F. Torrance and Karl Barth are some of the more well known names who fall within the very large umbrella of paleo-orthodoxy.

      I say that to say that I see a return to the early church as being quite key in reforming American Christianity (which means lots of things to lots of people, but I have an idea of how you mean it here). In a nutshell? Go back to the early church, listen to the Fathers, and, honestly, re-think a lot of things (justice, for example) from the ground up.


      • waltsamp November 25, 2013 / 5:20 pm

        Thank you for your comment. I was not aware of a paleo-orthodox movement. I had however thought of the Nicene Creed as a basis for the unity of a reformed Christianity. It leaves out many of the divisive issues while requiring adherence to the “meat” of what Christians need to believe. It is also pre-Reformation so all branches of Christianity could accept it as foundational. As far as the theological study you suggest, I think that is beyond me. However, I think you are right about the need to reexamine all our Christian positions to make sure, as best we can, that these are what Jesus would want us to think.


  8. Jonathan Petersen March 10, 2014 / 12:19 pm

    I’m writing to invite you to join the new Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²). If you’d like details, please email me. Thanks.


    • whitefrozen March 10, 2014 / 7:20 pm

      I’d love to – but I’m afraid I don’t know your email or know of where to find it – when I click on your username I get taken to the BibleGateway site – there’s an ‘contact’ tab there, is that the correct email?


  9. Sreejith May 6, 2014 / 5:39 am

    Great to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog so that I could find you.


  10. Henry Wynns July 16, 2015 / 9:09 am

    Would you say that Lewis believed in immediate resurrection?The New Testament does say we go to heaven at death and at the Second Advent. When we die, are we resurrected at that time? Please share your opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. scbrownlhrm February 11, 2016 / 5:32 pm


    Thank you again for the always-helpful material. You have my apologies for the links earlier.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. scbrownlhrm February 11, 2016 / 8:10 pm


    I am wondering why you had made your request. Based on my discussion with another Christian who is much more senior than I am and his reaction to my comments about hell in other threads, I think I know why. My ambivalence about the three (perhaps 4) views on Scripture’s conclusion on the topic of hell are described in several threads. And, to be honest, I don’t know which of the three (or 4) is the full truth of it. While often taking some heat for that uncertainty, both from Non-Christians and Christians, I feel it is important to settle it in my own mind and heart before injecting a truth claim on that topic into any conversation, especially a public one. Reasoning it through and allowing the conclusion to be shaped by the full body of my own Christian awareness has not come to a conclusive end as of yet. I can understand that being perceived as a failure to defend our faith, and I can only say that, if one reads other threads where that same ambivalence is unpacked further, you may appreciate that such is not a betrayal of our faith but rather a pause — waiting for the picture to come into better focus. For any potential readers, my own linking to your blog should not be referenced as any level of association between [a] that ambivalence on my part and [b] you or your blog. Yours is a fruitful work and you do a wonderful job of not only defending both the Christian Faith and the use of reason but also of aiding the intellect, the heart, and the soul in finding good reasons to turn their gaze upward.


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